Welcome to the adventure...!
Parents are an important part of the Group Family and support us in many ways. If you'd like to get involved in the life of our Group please contact John, our Group Scout Leader.
Contact the Group Lead Volunteer: John

"Where do I put this badge?"
            "Where did all that mud come from?"
                                        "What can I do to help?"

Answers to this and loads more stuff that parents should know are in these leaflets:
Parent's General Guide to Scouting
Parent's Guide to Beavers
Parent's Guide to Cubs
Parent's Guide to Scouts
Parent's Guide to Explorers
or take a look at the main Scouting website

Diagram of Badge Positions on the Beaver Uniform, Cub Uniform or the Scout Uniform.
Badges Poster: Beaver badges

Our Scout Den
Our Scout Group meets at the Scout Den, which is at the bottom of Baker Way on Calthorpe Park (off Reading Road North), Fleet. The closest postcode is GU51 4BB.

For the exact location: Google maps or what3words map blurred.turkey.clearcut.

If you're coming to the Den please park in one of the parkings bays and walk down the last part of the road. There is nowhere to turn around at the bottom of Baker Way and using the marked bays keeps everyone safe while walking down the road and enables leaders to park and unload their cars.