Useful Links and Addresses

To find our Den use postcode GU51 4BB. The Den is at the bottom of Baker Way, off Reading Road North, in Calthorpe Park just opposite the tennis courts.
(This is NOT our postal address.)

Grid reference: 186 - 802538
Google maps
what3words blurred.turkey.clearcut

Scout Headquarters in the UK:
Odiham District website:
Odiham District Scout Shop: District Scout Shop at The Crondal Scout Den
Hampshire Scouts: Hampshire Scouts
Scout Shops online: Scout Shops

Fleet Town Council: Fleet Town Council
All Saints Church, Fleet:
The Church on the Heath
Fleet Baptist Church
Churches Together in Fleet
Livingstones Bookshop, Fleet

Blackwell Adventure, Birmingham: Blackwell
Garners Field Campsite, Farnham: Farnham District Scouts
Youlbury: Youlbury Campsite
Fleet Pond: Fleet Pond Society
Circus Skills: Shooting Stars Circus Skills